Icon8 a plumber wearing a cap testing central heating a plumber repairing a boiler a silver boiler on a white wall

Boiler Repairs & Servicing

Replacing your existing gas boiler for an energy saving model can result in a large saving on your gas bills. Modern boilers run more efficiently than old ones, so if you're having issues, an upgrade would be ideal.

If you're having any problems with your boiler, it is important to have an expert see to it and fix any potential issue before it gets any worse. Call GB Gas Services today - there is no additional call out charge.

Not only do we provide expert boiler repair services, but we also offer our customers repairs for all household gas appliances, including gas fires, cookers, radiators and many more.

To discuss our services further, feel free to give us a call - we'll even give you a free quote!

Professional safety checks for rental agencies and independent landlords.

Is your system noisy? Are your fuel bills higher than they should be? Do you have to wait for your water to get hot? These are just some of the questions to consider when you have old heating appliances in your home. By upgrading your boiler you could save money on fuel bills for heating your home and water.

Repairs for gas appliances, no matter how big the job at hand.

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Landlord Safety Certificates Gas appliance repairs Get In Touch

Boiler upgrades

Boiler repairs

Gas appliance repairs

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